
How to know your personal talents - strengths?

TalentReflect™ is a diagnostic tool that identifies the subject's natural strengths. It combines self-assessment and 180-degree feedback . The person being assessed invites 5 other people to give feedback on how the person being assessed acts and behaves. This gives you a comprehensive understanding of both your talents (potential) and the real strengths (talents in action) that others see .

How does a step-by-step strengths survey work?

First, the Respondent, Joanna as an example, gets a unique code to access the test. Then Joanna solves an online survey containing 102 questions. She can do it on mobile or desktop. It is available in Polish and English.

Joanna then invites her respondents, i.e. people who will give her feedback. Joanna chooses three people from work (Peter, Christopher, Catherine) and two people who know her well privately (husband Krystian and close friend Zosia). The system automatically manages the communication process. If necessary, it reminds respondents in a timely manner. They get an invitation to an individual research profile assigned to Joanna.

In the panel of the surveyed person, he can independently manage the entire process, add / edit people. And of course wait for the final report! After a maximum of 14 days, Joanna can download her report!

What is unique about the TalentReflect survey?

  • The survey is a unique solution from both the psychometric side for business and the technological side.
  • The self-assessment of the surveyed person is combined with the process of collecting feedback from 5 other people.
  • The panel allows the entire process to be managed by the examinee himself and by the HR administrator

    The panel of the test in a friendly way allows both to invite people to give feedback, in addition, automatically and intelligently reminds about the invitation, generating a report and modifying it with new answers of the respondents.

Application of the survey in the development of the organization - watch the video!

Learn about the TalentReflect tool - what does the test diagnose?

TalentReflect test is a development tool that reinforces training and coaching process. This test is great for employees, salespeople and managers alike. All of them can check their natural working style and take further steps to improve it.

The Reflect approach has also been supplemented with a 180-degree assessment methodology. The test is based on a concept developed by the Gallup Institute, referring to positive psychology research. It is described by M. Buckingham and D. Clifton.

List of traits, called talents according to Clifton (source: Wikipedia):

Activator (Activator)
Analytical (Analytical)
Impartiality (Consistency, formerly Fairness)
Proximity (Relator)
Charm (Woo)
Command (Command)
Discipline (Discipline)
Flexibility (Adaptability)
Empathy (Empathy)
Individualization (Individualization)
Integrator (Includer, formerly Inclusiveness)
Intellect (Intellection)
Context (Context)
Maximizer (Maximizer)
Remediation (Restorative)
Exploration (Ideation)
Optimist (Positivity)
Organizer (Arranger)
Seriousness (Significance)
Principled (Belief)
Developing others (Developer)
Strategist (Strategic)
Visionary (Futuristic)
Interdependence (Connectedness)
Gathering (Input)

For whom is this tool intended? Business use

The test is part of development programs, training or individual coaching. At the same time, it is well suited to complement Development Center sessions. It is useful for managers or employees who want to determine their natural work or management style. There is additional value in comparing one’s assessment with the opinions of others.

What questions does the talent test answer?

  • What is the person best at?
  • What is her area of greatest potential?
  • Which strengths do others see?
  • Is their opinion consistent?
  • Which potential talents can the person
  • surveyed still put into action?

What is the theoretical basis of the test?

The tool is based on a concept developed by the Gallup Institute. It refers to the research of positive psychology, described by M. Buckingham and D. Clifton, supplemented by the 180-degree assessment methodology.

A talent test that combines FEEDBACK 180 and the JOHARI Window concept

As a unique tool, it combines as many as three strong concepts. In addition to the self-assessment in the report, you get the results of the assessments of 5 other people who know you in action. This way, the report shows which talents are COMMON, which are IMPOSSIBLE and which are UNKNOWN. In addition, the test divides strengths into 3 groups: THINKING ACTION RELATIONSHIPS.

The test can be used individually, and is also integrated into the Gamehill gamification platform

What development processes in the organization can TalentReflect enhance?

You can opt for the TalentReflect test in recruitment and onboarding, coaching and talent programs. The goal is to identify the strengths of the person being tested. Every employee has special talents. Developing them will have a good impact on his or her sales or managerial abilities. As a result, also on the performance of the entire company. The TalentReflect test is created on the basis of self-assessment and evaluation of five other people. The person tested selects such respondents with whom he or she is in close contact. This allows for an objective approach and combining multiple perspectives for a content-rich analysis of strengths.




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