Case study gamification Alior Bank Call Center department

Challenges: gamification at Alior Bank Alior Bank has decided to carry out another amalgamated online project with us. Our client is meeting customers’ expectations and undergoing a transformation into a financial-technology company. This is the bank’s next step in building a modern, customized offering. What was key for Alior Bank this time? Educating contact center […]

Sales gamification at Inter Cars

Sales gamification at Inter Cars Firma motoryzacyjna i branża automotive stawia przed sprzedawcami wyzwanie. Jeden samochód ma około 30 000 podzespołów. Istnieją także różne modele samochodów i każdy z nich potrzebuje różnych części. Rynek jest podzielony też na różnych dostawców, co sprawia, że oferta części zamiennych jest bardzo bogata. Struktura firmy Klienta jest rozproszona, a […]

Gamification of onboarding – case study PKP

Gamification of onboarding at PKP The goal of the project was to effectively integrate new employees into the organization through an engaging and rationalized onboarding process. Through it, PKP wanted to give the process a knowledge consistency and gain organizational agility in the implementation of newly hired members of the company. A randomized platform through […]

Mostostal TALENT PROGRAM City of Development

Mostostal TALENT PROGRAM what were its goals? We worked with a group of 45 people selected by the organization, with the highest potential. These are representatives of engineers, managers and HighPotencials from all divisions of Mostostal Warsaw. The cycle of development activities was planned for 9 months. One of the reasons for introducing the MOSTOSTAL […]

Onboarding gamification in RELAY, INMEDIO, SO!COFFEE stores

Lagardere’s two seasons of gamification journey in Europe was a comprehensive gamification project for the implementation of new employees. At the same time, it was also available as a knowledge base for current salespeople. Tour De Lagardere is an implementation for the Retail industry.

Revolution in compliance training!

Revolution in compliance training! We were faced with the challenge of creating an unconventional educational project for one of our key clients – a national company whose main business areas are numbers games, cash lotteries and betting. The project was designed to teach employees about compliance and ethics, but in a much more engaging way […]

Leroy Merlin talent program – Leader of the Future

How to prepare learning well in the online world by hybridly combining e-learning with training, coaching, diagnostics? Leroy Merlin periodically prepares a group of High Potentials (Talent) managers for a new role. It prepares for a new role, for the Future! And what is it? It’s being a Leader who, of course, knows how to […]

Decathlon – Gamification of the Leadership Academy

The gamification of the Leadership Academy project was intended to support the client’s mission. For Decathlon Poland it is – To make sports accessible to all.This idea also guided our joint development project, for Decathlon Leaders. The goal was to prepare Leaders to be part of the Decathlon COMMUNITY, to transfer knowledge of the company’s values.

KGHM – 2nd edition of ‘Competent in the Industry’

Competent in the industry is a development adventure aimed at building knowledge about KGHM’s employer, processes, products, history and traditions. At the same time, the development was about soft skills: good communication, planning, effective learning.

Demant Values – Modern implementation of values!

Modern implementation of value! Demant, a global leader in the hearing prototyping industry with more than a century of history, regularly adapts to rapidly changing market conditions through transformation and restructuring processes. The latest change, involving the integration of the Polish branch into the company’s global structure, entailed not only a name change, but also […]