Online Competence Game - Solid support in hybrid development programmes!
Today’s development programmes in organisations are increasingly taking a hybrid form, combining traditional classroom training with modern online tools. Managing talent in a dynamic business environment requires innovative solutions to meet these challenges.
While traditional classroom training has its undisputed place in the development world, to further develop the competencies of your employees, consider complementing it with modern online tools. Incorporating elements such as an online competency game can significantly increase the efficiency of the entire process, combining the advantages of face-to-face interaction with the flexibility and modernity that the online world offers.
💻 What is a competence game?
It is a story-driven, gamified task path to assess specific corporate competences chosen by the organisation. A competency game can be universal, based on a set of competencies valid in any organisation, or it can be tailored to become a tool specific to the assessment of a particular set of competencies.
It gives the companies using it extraordinary flexibility to self-design the assessment of those corporate competences that the organisation already has selected and described in the form of behavioural criteria.
🔑Key elements of the competency game include.
The competence game serves to reliably and accurately assess the level of knowledge and the ability to take action based on the knowledge that an employee or manager already possesses. On the assessment methodology side, the game is built around an online task script that combines four main types of challenges:

Conversation simulations – These are expert-prepared scripts of conversations, behaviours and dialogues in which the player takes on the role of a conversation leader. In the course of the simulation, the player makes decisions that lead to different paths forward, allowing his or her skills to be assessed in practice. Simulations are crucial because they reliably assess the ability to apply acquired knowledge to real work situations.

Quizzes – Quizzes are an interactive and attractive form of assessment that engages participants through tasks such as matching items or sequencing. The system automatically assesses the correctness of answers, allowing for quick feedback. Quizzes are extremely flexible and can be adapted to suit a variety of learning needs.

Exams – The most traditional, yet popular, form of knowledge assessment. Unlike quizzes, exams do not give immediate feedback after each answer. Instead, they test the overall level of mastery of the material, and passing information is not given until after the exam is completed.

Optional expert-assessed tasks – This is an advanced form of assessment in which the player performs a specific task, such as uploading a solution, typing an idea or answering a complex question. The task is then assessed by an expert, who may come from inside or outside the organisation. This option is particularly valuable but requires the involvement of specialists, so it is an optional tool.
📈 How does the Competence Game support hybrid development programmes?
The competency game in a development programme is primarily used at two key stages: at the beginning and at the end of the programme.
At the beginning, the game is used to make an initial assessment of the participants’ competences. It allows you to accurately diagnose the level of knowledge and skills with which participants enter the programme. This allows you to better tailor the training content to the individual needs of each employee, making the whole process more effective. Simulations, quizzes and exams at the beginning of the programme give you a complete picture of strengths and areas in need of development, which provides a solid basis for further work.
For each competence we select, and often prepare, a ‘tailor-made’ 3×3 package of tasks. The client selects the competences to be assessed in the competency game: FEEDBACK SKILLS – we create 3 simulations, 3 quizzes, 3 exams, + possibly expert-assessed tasks.

At the end of the programme, the competence game acts as a final evaluation tool to assess progress. After going through the entire cycle of training – both onsite and online – participants take part in the game again to see how far they have developed their competences. The final assessment, supported by expert-assessed tasks, allows you to objectively analyse the effectiveness of the programme and identify which skills have been mastered to the level required by the organisation. This allows you not only to summarise the results of the programme, but also to plan further development steps for each participant.
Ratings are presented on a clear scale from 1 to 100%. In addition, the report also includes the average score of the entire group, which makes it possible to compare individual and team results. Each task that assessed specific competences is described in detail, including both the score of the individual player and the number of points that can be achieved.
In summary...
The competence game is widely used in various development and recruitment processes in companies. It is used, among other things, before the start of Leader Academy projects, in the processes of selecting participants for Talent Programmes, when assessing sales teams, as well as during pre-onboarding or recruitment of new employees. Thanks to its flexibility, the game is fully mobile and can be ‘tailor-made’, adapting to the specific competencies required by a given organisation.